Tribot Fighter
Tribot Fighter is a fighting game where we have a robot which can transform in three different forms. Each robot has its own upsides and downsides, and you need to learn how to use those to your advantage. The task of this Tribot is to defeat every robot which is sent by humans to fight it. At the end, with some luck, it will get its freedom. The game is filled with achievements, you also collect bonus points by solving puzzles, and there is the possibility of wining some extra lives. Controls are rather complicated, and that is why it is recommended to first study the Tribopedia well.
- 'Q','W','E' - robot change R1-R2-R3 (yellow, blue and orange)
- 'A' - jump
- 'S' - kick,put down object,
- 'D' - punch, pick up object
- [arrow keys] - move
- [right/left arrow keys] - tap twice to run
- 'M' - mute, sound on/off
- 'X' - pause/resume game